
Samtec Inc. is a worldwide manufacturer of P.C. Board level interconnects. Samtec is a global manufacturer of a broad line of electronic interconnect solutions, including micro pitch board-to-board systems (on .100”, 2 mm, .050”, 1 mm, .8 mm, .635 mm, .5 mm, and .4 mm pitch), high-speed mezzanine systems, high-density arrays, IC-to-Board, Future-Proof/Active Optics, rugged/power systems, and cable assemblies (IDC, discrete wire, sealed/circulars, and high speed). To meet the interconnect challenges of tomorrow and beyond, Samtec has developed Technology Centers dedicated to developing and advancing technologies and products that provide both performance and cost benefits, ensuring complete system optimization from the bare die to an interface 100 meters away, and all interconnect points in between. +More With 33 locations in 18 different countries, including manufacturing facilities in New Albany, Colorado, Oregon, Costa Rica, China, Malaysia and Singapore, Samtec’s global presence enables its unmatched customer service. Samtec was founded in 1976, is privately held, and is ISO 9001 and TS 16949 certified with a 5-A1 Dun and Bradstreet rating, the highest available for a corporation this size. Samtec is recognized as the service leader in the connector industry. -Less


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