
AGM-Semi was established on January 28, 2015. The registered address is Room 1501, Floor 15, Block A, Xintiandi Bairuida Building, Wankengcheng Community, Bantian Street, Longgang District, Shenzhen. The legal representative is Qiu Zhanfu. The scope of business includes general trading items: import and export of goods and technology; operation of e-commerce; domestic trade (excluding monopolized, exclusive, and controlled goods); import and export business (excluding projects prohibited by laws, administrative regulations, and State Council decisions, and restricted projects require permission to operate); wholesale and sales of mechanical equipment, hardware products, and electronic products; sales of jewelry and handicrafts (excluding ivory and its products); sales of mechanical equipment, hardware products, electronic products including computer, software, and auxiliary equipment; sales of mechanical equipment, hardware products, electronic products, and communication equipment; system integration of radio and peripheral equipment, network games, multimedia products, and sales of wireless data products (excluding restricted items); sales of wireless access devices and GSM and CDMA wireless base station equipment; information transmission, software, and information technology services; development and sales of computer software and information system software; information system design, integration, operation, and maintenance; information technology consulting; integrated circuit design and research and development.
Product 인 벤 토리 단가 수량 Datasheet RoHS


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