BARROT is a world-leading provider of one-stop chip-level wireless connectivity solutions. It is a national high-tech enterprise in key areas with independent intellectual property rights in seven major areas including RF, Bluetooth protocol stack, audio algorithms, etc. We focus on the Internet of Things and automotive electronics. BARROT is a senior member of the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (Bluetooth SIG) and a contributor to the development of Bluetooth core standards in China. Our headquarters is located in Beijing, with subsidiaries in Shanghai, Shenzhen, Chongqing, and Hong Kong. We uphold the concept of wireless technology making life better and strive to become the most trusted global company in short-range wireless communication. The company currently has more than 200 employees, with technical personnel accounting for approximately 70% of the total workforce. In project development, we adopt software engineering CMMI and Six Sigma management methods. Our products have obtained certifications such as BQB, CE, FCC/IC, KCC, TELEC, and AEC Q10X, and our quality system is certified with ISO9001 and IATF16949.
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