
Shanghai BNstar established in 2006, is a high-tech company specializing in the design, development, and sales of new optical and electronic materials and devices. Over the years, we have adhered to the principles of professionalism and integrity, dedicated to providing top-notch products and technical support in the field of optical and electronic materials. We have a portfolio of nearly a hundred products across four series, including polymer PTC conductive devices and components, micro/nano conductive materials, UV catalytic and shielding materials, and photosensitive silver materials. Our aim is to pursue world-class technology, excellent quality, and superior service. Currently, we serve multiple industries including telecommunications, photovoltaics, electronics, environmental protection, military, and PCB. Our polymer PTC devices and components are designated suppliers for numerous companies such as Energizer, BYD, Hasbro, Double Deer, GP, Flytech Electronics, and Bic, among others.
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