CAS SCAP was founded in 2018 by Dr. Liu Shuangyi, a scholar who studied in the United States and a researcher of the Hundred Talents Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The company was established in collaboration with the Chongqing Green Intelligent Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chongqing Graphene Research Institute. We are located in the Jinfeng Electronics Industrial Park in the Chongqing High-Tech Zone and have received investment from the Beixin Capital Fund, a sub-fund of the Chongqing Industrial Guidance Fund. Our mission is to "provide energy storage intelligence to the world," with a vision to "build a century-old high-tech brand." We value customer success, efficiency, hard work, and teamwork. We are committed to the development and commercialization of cutting-edge electrochemical energy storage science and technology, the production and sales of advanced power energy storage devices, and the provision of efficient and environmentally friendly energy storage technology services. As pioneers and leaders in high-power energy storage technology, we currently possess globally leading supercapacitor products and their intellectual property rights. Our outstanding technical expertise, reliable collaborative capabilities, and advanced values make us a trusted provider of product technology and a valuable partner.
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