CAS (Foshan) was established in October 2019, relying on the Xinjiang Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. We mainly specialize in NTC thermistor sensors and build IoT ecological solutions around NTC materials. We integrate sensing technology, intelligent terminals, communication technology, and big data cloud platforms. Our products are primarily applied in the fields of aerospace and oceanography, healthcare and medical, smart home appliances, smart agriculture, new energy, and the Internet of Things. Currently, our developed products cover a temperature range of -253°C to 1300°C, with an accuracy better than 0.01°C and a resolution better than 0.001°C. The fastest response time of our products is 7ms. The technical specifications of over 100 varieties in six major series of developed products have reached the leading level in the industry.
Product 인 벤 토리 단가 수량 Datasheet RoHS


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