
Changjiang is affiliated with Jiangsu Xinchao Technology Group Co., Ltd. Since the successful development of LED semiconductor signal lights in the 1990s, we have established the "Changjiang Electric" AD11 signal light brand. In 1991, after being evaluated by the Jiangsu Provincial Science and Technology Department and passing the type test of the Shanghai Electrical Apparatus Research Institute, we began sales. Our main products include the AD11 series signal lights, LA38 series buttons, LW38 series universal changeover switches, CJH-0.66 series low-voltage current transformers, CJTD series engineering machinery lights, and more. Our products are widely used in industries such as power, machinery, industrial control, elevators, communications, rail transportation, new energy, and engineering machinery. With novel designs and reliable performance, our products have gained consistent favor from a wide range of users.
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