
Corebai was established in 2014. Guided by the principle of "creating value for customers is our own value," our entrepreneurial mission is centered around "specialized core development," "core-driven services," and "creating the future with cores." After years of development, we obtained the high-tech enterprise certificate in 2016 and the Zhongguancun high-tech enterprise certificate in 2017, as well as became a member of the Semiconductor Association. We have applied for over 40 layout design patents. With abundant financial strength and strong technical capabilities, Xinbai Microelectronics has rapidly increased the number of independently developed and successfully launched products. Currently, we have more than 100 products in three major categories, all of which comply with the EU RoHS standards and green environmental standards. The main products we have developed include amplifiers, interface circuits, power management, time digital converters, DAC analog-to-digital converters, ADC digital-to-analog converters, and more.
Product 인 벤 토리 단가 수량 Datasheet RoHS


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