
Dozenstech, established in October 2017, is a high-tech enterprise invested and incubated by Zhejiang Qinghua Yangtze River Delta Research Institute Hangzhou Branch. In 2019, Dozens Tech introduced strategic investment from Oppein Home Group Inc., jointly creating a better home product. The core research and development team consists of graduates from Tsinghua University, led by Dr. Hu Jun, an expert in electric motors. We are committed to becoming a leading provider of nanometer water ion technology and clean air technology services. We have a comprehensive system of core intellectual property rights, with over 100 core patents filed (including 47 invention patents), 5 core granted invention patents, 30 utility model patents (including 1 strategic authorization from Tsinghua University), 6 design patents, 10 trademarks, and 2 national industry association standards contributed.
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