
Founded in 2017, Ehiway is a research and industrialization team in the field of "Programmable Chips and Systems" of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. It is a high-tech enterprise jointly established in accordance with the national innovation-driven development strategy, with "Programmable Chips and Reconfigurable Systems" as its technical feature and "Software-Defined Hardware" system design and integration as its main business. The company adheres to a fully positive design technology route and develops embedded programmable IP cores, programmable chips, and EDA software with high reliability, achieving comprehensive independent control of programmable chip software and hardware. In response to the development needs of big data, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence, we provide data acceleration solutions and high-performance integrated circuit design services for "End-Network-Cloud" software-defined hardware, meeting the application needs of industrial control, communication, automotive electronics, data centers, and other business fields. The company currently has nearly one hundred employees, with 55% of them holding doctoral and master's degrees, and 12% occupying senior professional and technical positions. The team covers integrated circuit hardware design, software design, testing, radiation hardening, reliability assurance, and product application promotion. The company also undertakes the function of graduate education, with multiple graduate supervisors and dozens of doctoral and master's students studying microelectronics and solid-state electronics.
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