GOOSVN was one of the early domestic enterprises dedicated to the production, research, development, and manufacturing of terminal blocks. In 2008, GOSUN Electronics was renamed as GOOSVN Electronics Co., Ltd. in Ningbo, and the major departments such as R&D and manufacturing were upgraded and expanded, making us one of the leading suppliers of terminal blocks in the industry. With the goal of "Making Connections Safer!", GOOSVN continuously improves and innovates connection technology and enhances our company's management system. We have been at the forefront of the industry in completing over 80% automation of our product production lines. So far, GOOSVN Electronics has been providing high-quality solutions and services to the power, energy, communication, automotive & marine, construction, security, industrial automation, and other industries in more than 30 countries worldwide.
Product 인 벤 토리 단가 수량 Datasheet RoHS


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