HANDUN is a leading EHS comprehensive service provider in China. We have invested heavily in integrating the supply chain to provide customers with high-quality, comprehensive, and standardized products and services. The product line of "Handun" covers personal protective equipment, instruments and meters, fire equipment, chemical safety storage and handling, safety locks, industrial tapes, safety signs, PPE outsourcing services, EHS solutions, and more. Since its establishment, "Handun" has established and perfected a marketing service system that includes warehousing, showrooms, catalogs, online platforms, sales engineers, and consultants. We always prioritize the interests of our customers, fully understand their needs, and provide comprehensive solutions. Creating value for our customers is the greatest recognition for us. We will follow this belief, continuously strive to exceed customer expectations, and continue to work hard to deliver greater value to our customers.
Product 인 벤 토리 단가 수량 Datasheet RoHS


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