HCCCap is a high-tech enterprise that specializes in the research, development, production, and sales of advanced energy technologies and products. It was established in Shenzhen as an extension of Beijing Hezhong HuiNeng, which possesses advanced supercapacitor technology. Our main focus is on the development and production of the HCC series of organic high-voltage double-layer supercapacitors (also known as supercapacitors, ultracapacitors, EDLCs, etc.). Headquartered in Beijing, we have also established branch offices in Shenzhen, Tianjin, and a representative office in Hangzhou. In 2017, we officially began establishing a production base in Tianjin with a capacity of over 1 billion RMB for the research, development, and production of supercapacitors and their energy systems, providing a solid foundation for large-scale production. Over the past ten years, our HCCCap series supercapacitors have been continuously, reliably, and stably operating in the national power grid for more than a decade. We are the only supercapacitor company in China that has achieved such a long continuous operation in the national power grid. Furthermore, we have successfully applied supercapacitors in the field of aerospace satellites, contributing to the civilianization of satellite technology.
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