
HenryTech is a professional enterprise engaged in the research, development, production, and sales of RF device-related products. We have deep collaborations with research and development teams from several domestic universities, as well as a team with years of experience in communication product development and production. We provide services such as consulting, design, communication, and improvement to the market. Currently, our main research and production focus revolves around RF communication, baluns, filters (LC/spiral/cavity), couplers, power dividers, loads, attenuators, and other passive devices in various frequency ranges from 1MHz to 30GHz. Our products are widely used in cluster communication, indoor communication, civil applications, aerospace technology, as well as customized research projects for high-speed rail, wireless communication, medical, intelligent transportation, forest fire prevention systems, and university research institutes. We have a range of top-notch domestic and foreign instruments and experimental equipment, as well as a complete product production line and military-quality control standards. We strictly customize, design, and develop according to our customers' requirements, aiming to meet their needs and achieve sustained win-win partnerships. We always adhere to the belief that quality is the foundation of our survival and development. Our company has an experienced frontline manufacturing team and quality management personnel with excellent quality awareness. We operate based on principles of integrity, cooperation, and mutual development, and we strive for long-term cooperation with our customers and suppliers.
Product 인 벤 토리 단가 수량 Datasheet RoHS


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