HIKVISION currently has over 26,000 employees, with more than 13,000 of them being research and development engineers. The company invests 7-8% of its annual sales revenue in research and development to achieve continuous product innovation. Hikvision has established a complete multi-level research and development system, encompassing all operations from research to design, development, testing, technical support, and services. The research and development team is centered at its headquarters in Hangzhou and operates globally, including research centers in Montreal, Canada, and Liverpool, UK, as well as Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing, and Wuhan in China. Hikvision drives core technologies in audio and video encoding, video image processing, and related data storage, as well as forward-looking technologies such as cloud computing, big data, and deep learning. In recent years, Hikvision has deepened its presence in various vertical markets.
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