HMILU specializes in the research and development of various types of test fixtures used for integrated circuit functional verification. These include test sockets, aging sockets, programming sockets, and other fixtures for integrated circuit functional testing. We also specialize in the production of high-performance, low-cost Burn-in Test Sockets and various IC test fixtures that are suitable for multiple packaging types such as eMMC, eMCP, BGA, DDR, PGA, QFN, GCSP, CLCC, QFP, TSOP, SOP, FPC, FFC, and connector tests. Additionally, we offer customized test fixtures for mobile phone chips to meet the specific requirements of our customers. Moreover, we provide one-stop BGA rework services, including BGA ball planting, testing, PCB delamination, and BGA assembly. We are also experienced in manufacturing BGA ball planting fixtures and BGA ball planting steel mesh.
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