Huaxing is located in Xianyang City, Shaanxi Province. The group was founded in 1958 and officially completed and put into operation in 1965. It is one of the three major component production bases in China. With total assets of 800 million RMB and fixed assets of 250 million RMB, the group has more than 1,200 employees, including over 500 professional and technical personnel. We mainly focus on the research, development, and production of electronic functional ceramics-based capacitors, varistors, device ceramics, and various types of resistors. Additionally, we specialize in piezoelectric technology-based quartz crystal resonators, filters, and SMD oscillators, infrared optoelectronic devices based on sensitive technology, industrial kilns, electronic special equipment, and instruments based on electronic product manufacturing. We also produce emerging industry products such as lithium-ion power battery packs, microwave dielectric ceramic materials for Beidou antennas, high thermal conductivity aluminum-based copper-clad laminates (ACL), power modules, and RF components. Our company has a provincial-level New Electronic Ceramic Materials and Devices Engineering Technology Research Center, a provincial-level Enterprise Technical Center, Xianyang City Engineering Technology Research Center, Xianyang City Science and Technology Innovation Team, National Defense Level III Metrology Center, and CNAS certified testing center. We are the leading unit of Shaanxi Province's Electronic Functional Materials and Devices Technology Innovation Strategic Alliance, a provincial-level pilot enterprise for the integration of industrialization and informatization, and a provincial-level demonstration enterprise for technological innovation.
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