JAM Technology Electronics (Huizhou) Co., Ltd., established in February 2004, is a high-tech electronic company invested by JAPAN AUTOMATIC MACHINE CO., LTD in mainland China. It integrates research and development, manufacturing, and sales. JAPAN AUTOMATIC MACHINE CO., LTD was founded in Tokyo, Japan in 1932, with a focus on high technology, high quality, and global service. Currently, we have investments in China, including Jiamu (Hong Kong) Limited, Jiamu Trading (Shenzhen) Limited, and business offices in Shenzhen, Suzhou, Shanghai, and Changxing. JAM specializes in the production of high-tech electronic products and automotive-related products. Our main products include terminals, fully automatic terminal crimping machines, and electronic specialized equipment manufacturing, as well as tooling and mold manufacturing, research and development, and manufacturing of new electronic components. We also offer maintenance and sales services for the aforementioned products.
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