Since 1984, JOYIN has been dedicated to the research, development, and manufacturing of reliable electronic components and related equipment. With innovative design technology, JOYIN has enhanced the user interface in mechanical devices, establishing itself as a renowned equipment manufacturer in the global passive component field. Over the years, customers who have purchased mechanical equipment strongly recommended JOYIN as a contract manufacturer for passive components. In just a few years, JOYIN expanded its business by manufacturing for global industry leaders such as Littelfuse, TYCO/Raychem, and Ohizumi. In 2004, JOYIN further expanded our factory to Suzhou, China, leading to rapid growth in revenue. As the company's scale of operations expands, corporate social responsibility has become a major focus for JOYIN and is emphasized in all future development processes. JOYIN overcomes challenges with honesty, responsibility, and a positive mindset, enabling the team to establish core capabilities and values. The JOYIN team possesses mechanical design expertise, practical global manufacturing experience, high-quality concepts, and the ability to communicate and interact with international markets. These competitive advantages provide JOYIN and its partners with a bright future and enable them to maintain a leading position in a rapidly changing environment and market.
Product 인 벤 토리 단가 수량 Datasheet RoHS


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