LEADPOWER is a high-tech semiconductor company founded in 2017. Our company is located in the National Integrated Circuit Design (Shenzhen) Industrialization Base in the Shenzhen Software Park. We specialize in the research and sales of high-performance analog integrated circuits, with a focus on developing products that prioritize safety and reliability. Currently, we hold over ten national patents, and our products are widely used in various motor drive fields. Our core team members have over ten years of experience in the integrated circuit industry. Adopting a typical fabless business model, we engage in product production through independent research and development and outsourced manufacturing. We distribute our products through our own sales channels and agents, providing comprehensive technical services to our customers. Our semiconductor products are widely applied in consumer electronics, industrial control, and other fields. Our developed high-voltage, high-current stepping motor driver chips are at the forefront of the industry, breaking the monopoly of foreign competitors. They have been adopted by leading customers in the industry, making significant contributions to their supply chain security. With the wave of technological development surging forward, the future of the IC industry is promising. LEADPOWER will seize opportunities with foresight, advance with a spirit of innovation and determination, and soar to new heights with talent and technology as our wings. With a dedication to "safety" and "reliability," we are striving to become a well-known brand in the domestic motor driver chip market.
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