LFC is a semiconductor chip design company specializing in analog and mixed-signal chips without a wafer fab. We provide innovative analog and mixed-signal semiconductor products, with a focus on the automotive market, particularly in camera modules, medical endoscope modules, and ECU boards. Our first product line is highly programmable clock chip solutions, featuring noise reduction functions, a wide range of programmable frequencies covering 1MHz to 200MHz, and high-precision clock chips with ultra-low phase noise and differential I/O, capable of providing up to 350MHz. Our noise reduction function (Low EMI) is achieved using a unique non-PLL architecture and our proprietary EMI suppression algorithm, SAΦIC, allowing us to offer the industry's smallest Low EMI spread-spectrum quartz oscillator (2.0mm x 1.6mm). Our current automotive-grade (AEC-Q100 G1/2, PPAP) clock chip solutions are available in standard IC packages as well as standard-sized ceramic quartz oscillator packages, such as 2016, 2520, 3225, and others. We are your one-stop supplier for high-performance products for all your automotive-grade low electromagnetic interference (Low EMI) active spread-spectrum crystal oscillators, clock chips (ICs), and Low EMI IC/spread-spectrum chip needs.
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