LSTL was established in 1970 and has a long history in the aluminum electrolytic capacitor industry. It is a key enterprise in China engaged in the research, development, and production of aluminum electrolytic capacitors. LSTL is committed to ensuring the reliability, consistency, and stability of consumer products through technology. Our product categories include conductive polymer solid aluminum electrolytic capacitors, supercapacitors, conventional aluminum electrolytic capacitors, and surface mount capacitors. Our technology enables our capacitors to operate at ultra-low temperatures down to -55°C and high temperatures up to +150°C. We have completely replaced imported products, making a significant contribution to domestic enterprises that have long relied on imported products. The capacitors produced by LSTL are widely used in various civilian sectors, including new energy fields such as wind power and photovoltaic power generation. They are also utilized in clean energy transportation sectors such as high-speed trains, hybrid vehicles, electric vehicles, and charging stations. In addition, our capacitors find applications in industrial fields such as inverters, frequency flashers, energy storage welders, laser welders, UPS, and EPS. They are also used in household appliances like variable frequency air conditioners, fitness equipment, televisions, LED lighting, as well as in medical fields including X-ray machines, MRI machines, beauty devices, life monitoring systems, and medical examination systems.
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