
Luat is a new IoT development architecture created by Heltec with independent intellectual property rights in China. It is based on OpenCPU technology and can be widely used in various industries for IoT solutions. Additionally, Luat is also the main module brand under Heltec. Heltec's self-developed Luat 2G/4G series modules have been widely applied and have gained market recognition for their stable and reliable quality. With millions of shipments, they have received extensive attention in the industry due to their excellent cost-effectiveness. Currently, the Luat brand has gathered more than 10,000 industry customers, forming a unique IoT ecosystem. The biggest advantage of Luat brand modules lies in their simplicity and speed of secondary development. They not only provide source code for various typical application scenarios but also offer various implementation libraries for TCP/DP/MQTT/HTTP/HTTPS/SSL/FTP. They have also been integrated with typical cloud platforms such as Alibaba Cloud, Tuya Cloud, and oneNet, with open-source code provided. This helps customers achieve rapid mass production, shorten IoT development cycles, and effectively reduce enterprise costs.
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