
Meisum specializes in integrated circuit distribution and embedded system solution development. Currently, our company mainly represents the Taiwan MDT series microcontrollers (MCUs). Our product range covers 4-bit and 8-bit microcontrollers. The MDT microcontrollers are fully compatible with PIC, and their software can be directly burned without any modifications to the software or board. They offer excellent stability and cost-effectiveness, meeting the needs of different levels. They have been widely used in home appliances, instruments, security systems, automotive electronics, and medical devices. We have a dedicated software development center with a team of electronics engineering professionals who possess strong technical capabilities. We provide our customers with powerful technical support and comprehensive pre-sales and after-sales services. Moreover, we offer competitive product prices and the shortest development cycles, which are highly satisfying to our customers. Our goal is to become an expert in the field, familiarize ourselves with customer requirements, understand their needs, and provide professional services with a dedicated approach. We adhere to the principles of openness and cooperation, working closely and mutually beneficially with upstream and downstream manufacturers in the industry, aiming to create greater value for our customers.
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